Common chemicals that wastewater treatment plants struggle to remove from wastewater

The wastewater treatmentplants in India have effectively controlled conventional pollutants like bacteria, COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand), suspended solids, etc. Wastewater treatment plants face newer challenges with “emerging pollutants.” These include pesticides, pharmaceuticals, personal care products, and fertilizers. As of now, there are no specific treatment processes or standard testing methods for the emerging pollutants. Trace quantities of agents or certain indicator constituents of these pollutants have been found in treated wastewater.


Alternates to chemical treatment in wastewater treatment plants.


Another alternative and popular method to chemical treatment is biological treatment in wastewater treatment. Biological treatment is when the microorganism present in the wastewater reduces the organic matter aerobically and anaerobically. The microorganism requires food which is BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) that it consumes in presence of oxygen. It grows in numbers and reaches a stage where there is no food left. That is when the microorganism starts eating its own cell mass and eventually dies. Such active or dead microorganisms are removed as sludge by clarification after biological treatment. A part of the remaining sludge is recycled back to biological treatment to maintain the required number of microorganisms and the remaining part is wasted.


Where to go if one needs products related to wastewater treatment?

H2O Bazaar is an online marketplace for B2B businesses for Water and Waste Management. The online portal helps connect the national and international manufacturers, suppliers and buyers. There is a deep list of products related to water and waste treatment which is over 40,000 from 15,000 suppliers.

The platform helps companies increase their brand awareness. They are the ideal forum to interact and conduct business smoothly and effectively.  H2O Bazaar strives to be the best platform for businesses to be promoted in the industry at all levels. 



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